Report from the ISBT Foundation
The core objective of the Foundation of the International Society of Blood Transfusion is to support research and education initiatives related to Transfusion Medicine globally, with a specific focus on Developing Countries. This is primarily achieved by providing funding for events focussing on education and training related to transfusion medicine. The Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy acts as the advisory Committee to the Foundation Board and is delegated the authority to approve funding up to Euro 7 500 provided that the required criteria are met by the applicants.
The current Board of Directors comprises two ISBT members who are appointed by the ISBT Board (Ravi Reddy and Masja De Haas), the Secretary General of ISBT (Gwen Clarke), the Treasurer of ISBT (Eric Jansen), and the Senior Vice President of ISBT, who also serves as Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy (Lin Fung). So Yong Kwon’s term as appointed director came to an end during this financial year and Masja De Haas was appointed to replace her. On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to So Yong for her her participation on the Board during her term.
In 2023/2024, the Board had one meeting via Microsoft teams and one face to face meeting in Cape Town during the Regional ISBT Congress. There was also correspondence via e-mail when approvals were required for funding in excess of Euro 7 500. At the meeting in Cape Town the Board approved an amount of Euro 100 000, over a three year period, to the International Coalition for Safe Plasma Proteins (ICSPP) to fund educational activities related to programmes to improve to improve access to plasma derived medicinal products globally. ICSPP will provide an application for funding for each project.
Twenty seven applications for funding were received and processed to hold events during the 2023/2024 financial year. Nineteen of the applications were were approved (18 by the ISBT Academy Standing Committee and 1 by the Foundation Board). Eight applications were rejected. Eight requests were received for use of the ISBT logo and seven were approved. In addition funding was approved for three ISBT Highlight Day events.