From Central Office
Awards and Prizes to be presented at the 38th International Congress of the ISBT in Barcelona, June 2024
At each international congress of the ISBT, outstanding contributions to the field of transfusion medicine and science will be recognized with a series of awards and prizes. Each award /prize has a different profile in terms of career stage and aspect of transfusion as described below. Presentations will be made to the awardees at the congress opening ceremony in Barcelona, June 24, 2024.
All nominations for awards and prizes are carefully considered and thoroughly well deserved by the winners against some impressive competition – congratulations to all!
ISBT Presidential Award 2024
The ISBT Presidential Award was instituted in 2000 and is managed by the Board of the Foundation Transfusion Medicine, The Netherlands and ISBT. It is awarded to a senior person who has made eminent contributions to transfusion medicine or a related field through original basic or applied research, the practice of transfusion therapy or through significant educational and/or service contribution to the field. The ISBT Presidential Award winner 2024 winner is Thierry Burnouf, who will be giving his award lecture on ‘’Platelet Lysates and Extracellular Vesicles in Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine.''
Jean Julliard Prize 2024
The Jean Julliard Prize was established in 1962 in memory of the Society's first Secretary-General and is awarded to a scientist (<40 years old) in recognition of recent and excellent scientific work in blood transfusion and related subjects.
The 2024 Jean Julliard Prize winner is Dr Linda Schönborn from Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Germany for her exceptional work ‘’Anti-Platelet Factor 4 (PF4)-antibodies in VITT and beyond’’
Linda Schönborn
Judith Chapman Award 2024
The Judith Chapman Award was established in 2023 in honour of the Society's first Executive Director, reflecting her passion for supporting people in their professional development, in particular the fields of leadership and management. The award is for an individual who is in a role where they have the opportunity to champion developments in blood transfusion and displays the personal qualities required to propose and see through changes in practice if required. The award includes support towards undertaking a leadership / management course of their choice to enable this - the winner for this years award is Hygin Steve Fonkou.
Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize 2023
The winning paper is selected by the Jean Julliard committee from the Vox Sanguinis section editors’ shortlist of papers published in the journal over previous year.
The 2023 prize to be presented in Barcelona in 2024 to Higinio Estrada Juárez asd lead author on the paper Trueba-Gomez R, Rosenfeld-Mann F, Baptista-Gonzalez HA, Dominguez-Lopez ML and Estrada-Juarez H ’Use of computational biology to compare the theoretical tertiary structures of the most common forms of RhCE and RhD.’’
Vox Sang 2023;118: 881-90.

Dr. Fany Rosenfeld Mann, Dr. Higinio Estrada Juárez, and on the right Dr. Rocio Trueba Gómez.
Developing Countries Award 2024
The ISBT Award for Developing Countries is given to a Blood Service/Centre or a Department of Transfusion medicine within a medical institution from a developing country that has made a significant contribution in strengthening blood transfusion practice within their country.
The 2024 award has been granted to Dr Ripal J Shah and colleagues at the Prathama Blood Center in Ahmedabad, India, for providing a reliable and safe blood supply and showing excellence in the areas of education, research, innovation, and outreach.

Prathama Blood Center
ISBT Awards 2024
The ISBT Award is granted to persons who have made a significant contribution to transfusion medicine and science, particularly in the educational aspect. The decision to grant the ISBT Award is the privilege of the ISBT Executive Board of Directors. In Barcelona, two ISBT Awards will be made to Linley Bielby and Jay Epstein.

Jay Epstein and Linley Bielby