This Regional section features news from four regions: Africa, Western Pacific, Europe and South East Asia. The articles were invited by the Regional Directors: Marion Vermeulen (Africa), Yanli Ji (Western Pacific), Mickey Koh (Europe) and Satyam Arora (South East Asia)
Construction and clinical application of platelet gene bank in Zhejiang, China
Xianguo Xu and Heqiong Liu
The evolving role of registered nurses in blood collection service: extending primary and community care in Hong Kong
Chu Chui Yee
Artificial intelligence in transfusion medicine: initiatives in India
Rounak Dubey
Blood Transfusion Services in Nepal
Basanta Khatiwada
Implementing a check sample (second sample) policy in Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
Meridah Mwase
Mall to action – 1 Day, 1 Nation, 5000 units of blood - a lifesaving initiative
Michelle Vermeulen and Siemi Prithvi Raj
Obstacles are opportunities in disguise – the therapeutic plasma exchange experience
Tanya Glatt, Thabo Gcayiya, Yona Skosana, Hans Vreilink and Riana Cockeran
JACIE accreditation of a mobile collection and central processing facility – the South African experience
Tanya Glatt and Riana Cockeran
A holistic, whole pathway approach to resuscitation in trauma haemorrhage
Harriet Tucker
Questions or suggestions?
If you have any news from these regions that you would like to publish in this section, contact