- Educational resources in information technology
- Importance of data quality in IT systems
- Standardized electronic messaging to improve transfusion records and traceability
- Traceability guidelines
- Updating the guidelines for RFID in transfusion medicine
- Cybersecurity
- Leveraging technology to strengthen the connection between blood banks and blood donors
- Managing staff shortages in transfusion services during the COVID-19 pandemic in LMIC
- Training turbulence: When new software meets accountability

Dive into our Community page to find out what the global transfusion community have been focused through a collection of stories and photos.

- Construction and clinical application of platelet gene bank in Zhejiang, China
- The evolving role of registered nurses in blood collection service: extending primary and community care in Hong Kong
- Artificial intelligence in Transfusion Medicine: initiatives in india
- Blood Transfusion Services in Nepal
- Implementing a check sample (second sample) policy in Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
- Mall to action – 1 Day, 1 Nation, 5000 Units of Blood - A lifesaving initiative
- Obstacles are opportunities in disguise – the therapeutic plasma exchange experience
- JACIE accreditation of a mobile collection and central processing facility – the South African experience
- A holistic, whole pathway approach to resuscitation in trauma haemorrhage
President Pierre Tiberghien Secretary General Gwen Clarke Executive Director Jenny White Advertising marketing@isbtweb.org
Statements and opinions expressed in Transfusion Today are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of ISBT. Reproduction in whole or part requires permission from ISBT. ISBT members do not need to obtain permission if proper credit is given.
Correspondence: ISBT - Marnixstraat 317, 1016 TB, Amsterdam, the Netherlands T +3120 7601 760, communication@isbtweb.org