In Focus
Educational resources in information technology
Understanding the functionality and interoperability of IT systems

The use of information technology (IT) in the healthcare setting is continuously increasing.
In many countries, it is now standard practice to have computer systems supporting donor collection and processing, transfusion laboratory work, electronic tracking of blood components from vein to vein and electronic patient records. With this comes the need for interoperability to ensure the efficient and effective transfer of information relating to transfusion. Guidelines are available to support best practices for these systems1,2,3. Advances in technology are changing the knowledge and skills requirements for staff working in the transfusion setting.
The requirement to understand the theory of transfusion science remains but there is now a need for integrating this with an understanding of the functionality and interoperability of IT systems in order for the systems to be configured correctly to support safe practice. IT systems have the potential to enhance transfusion safety and efficiency4,5. However, if not implemented and used correctly there may be unintended consequences6,7.
In the UK the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) reports8 show that failure to configure IT systems correctly result in error, leading to patient harm. SHOT reports show adverse events with an IT-related element increasing year on year, reflecting the expanding use of transfusion IT systems in the UK.
Consideration of human factors and ergonomics in the configuration and implementation of IT systems is critical, where these are neglected unsafe workarounds may be introduced. In the UK a survey by the SHOT SCRIPT group demonstrated a gap in staff with both IT and transfusion knowledge9. This gap has been addressed by the provision of practical educational resources, by sharing learning from organisations where IT systems have been introduced and access to templates for procurement and validation of IT systems on the SHOT website.

The ISBT Working Party for IT (WPIT) recognise the need for educational and practical resources to support staff with responsibility for the donation and transfusion IT systems in their organisations. The educational arm of the WPIT aim to provide a central repository for transfusion IT resources on the webpage, with links to related ISBT webinars, guidelines and international websites providing practical resources. The WPIT welcome feedback and suggestion for improvement or additional links for the webpage. The WPIT educational web page provides a platform for sharing good practice and practical resources from around the world.
- Ashford P, Butch S, Barhoush AO, Bolton W, Cusmai M, Espensen L, et al. International Society for Blood Transfusion Guidelines for Traceability of Medical Products of Human Origin. Vox Sang. 2023; 118: 587–597.
- Andriessen J-W, Breard M, Briggs L, Butch S, Distler P, Georgsen J, et al. International Society for Blood Transfusion Guidelines for Validation of Automated Systems in Blood Establishments. Vox Sang. 2022; 117: 1420–1445.
- WHO Guideline. Recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening. 2019.
- Murphy MF, Jayne Addison J, Poles D, Dhiman P, Bolton-Maggs P. Electronic identification systems reduce the number of wrong components transfused. Transfusion. 2019 Dec;59(12):3601-3607. doi: 10.1111/trf.15537. Epub 2019 Oct 4. PMID: 31584694.
- Staples S, Staves J, Davies J, Polley N, Boyd JS, Lukas M, Popovsky MA, Frank SM, Ness PM, Murphy MF. Electronic remote blood issue supports efficient and timely supply of blood and cost reduction: evidence from five hospitals at different stages of implementation. Transfusion. 2019 May;59(5):1683-1691. doi: 10.1111/trf.15231. Epub 2019 Mar 12. PMID: 30860601.
- S Narayan (Ed) D Poles et al. on behalf of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group. The 2019 Annual SHOT Report. 2020.
- Singh H, Sittig DF. Measuring and improving patient safety through health information technology: The Health IT Safety Framework. BMJ Qual Saf. 2016 Apr;25(4):226-32. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004486. Epub 2015 Sep 14. PMID: 26369894; PMCID: PMC4819641.
- Narayan, S. et al., 2024. The 2023 Annual SHOT Report, Manchester: Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group.
- Davies J, Tuckley V, McGrann A, et al. SHOT UK Collaborative Reviewing and Reforming IT Processes in Transfusion (SCRIPT) survey: Laboratory information management systems: Are we ready for digital transformation? Transfusion Medicine. 2023; 33(6): 433-439. doi:10.1111/tme.13010