Dive into our Community page to find out what the global transfusion community have been focused through a collection of stories and photos.
- Rare Donor program: Kuwait Central Blood Bank
- The Arab Authority for Blood Transfusion Services
- Novel tool in immunohematology - Raman spectroscopy used for blood grouping and other molecular phenotyping enabling personalized transfusion medicine
- Enhancing Blood Transfusion Services on the Remote Islands of Japan
- The 72nd Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy (JSTMCT)
- Establishment of a Stem Cell Donor Registry in Sri Lanka
- The First National Patient Blood Management Consensus Statement Launching in Malaysia
- The Evolution of Malaysia National Blood Centre's Platelet Immunology Laboratory
President Pierre Tiberghien Secretary General Gwen Clarke Executive Director Jenny White Advertising marketing@isbtweb.org
Statements and opinions expressed in Transfusion Today are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of ISBT. Reproduction in whole or part requires permission from ISBT. ISBT members do not need to obtain permission if proper credit is given.
Correspondence: ISBT - Marnixstraat 317, 1016 TB, Amsterdam, the Netherlands T +3120 7601 760, communication@isbtweb.org